About Us
Where we make an attempt to properly greet you.
Welcome, we're so glad that you found us - it's a bit of a miracle when you think about it. Here we are, tending to the land and the herd, imagining you, and here you are reading a bit about us. There's a lot we could share that's in the realm of appropriate and perhaps even useful to you. And, there's a lot we're curious to know about you (like what's troubling you right now, what are you passionate about, a story about whose inspiring you ...).
Here goes with a bit about us - the human us and the more-than-human us. Of course words are just a humble attempt.​
We're a mother-daughter team working together with a special group of horses, a donkey, four sheep, three dogs, two cats, to create a safe space for the unearthing and composting of settler ways of knowing and the exploration of what it means to live in relationships of kinship and connection.
We hold a vision of something that seems too distant to see and mostly impossible from where we stand today: communities of harmony, reconciliation and reciprocity, unique to their place and interconnected in their recognition and nurturing of the gifts of all beings.
We are explorers and passionate learners with years of professional experience in the field and a deep commitment to evolving an approach to education that enlivens, invigorates and ignites a desire for the growth of mind, body, heart and soul with nature, as nature.
“The herd cracked my heart right open and allowed me to begin looking at who I really was and all the potential that I was having difficulty seeing."
"Insightful, intuitive, connected and TUNED IN! Wild Learning experiences will help you draw power and strength from the visible and invisible world around you."
“Learning with Tina and the herd is eye-opening and soul-nourishing, with different lessons and reflections each and every time.”