The Art of Boundaries & Connection
A 6-hour exploration into boundaries as a dynamic tool for fostering deeper connections and enhancing relationships.
Many times we say “yes” to things we don’t want and “no” to things in a way that doesn’t represent who we want to be. In a culture of power-over, it can feel difficult, frustrating, even confusing to know when we need to set a boundary and how to do it in a way that doesn’t feel harsh or reactive. Many people simply resign themselves to being “bad” at it.
In this workshop we take a radically new approach based on years of observing the constant and connective boundary “dance” the herd uses to nurture their relationships. The horses teach us that boundaries are an essential act of taking care of our own well-being so that we can be present for others and help build strong communities.
Explore boundaries as a dynamic tool for fostering deeper connections and enhancing relationships.
Sharing inspiration from the relational wisdom of horse herds, we’ll reimagine boundaries not just as limits but as pathways to meaningful interaction. Discover how to use boundaries to nurture and repair relationships, drawing on insights from diverse fields like architecture, positive psychology, neuroscience, stress research and more.

Unearth the boundary beliefs you're consciously and unconsciously carrying.
Explore the dynamic and fluid way the horses use boundaries to care for themselves and others.
Practice tuning into the space your body needs for your mind to be at ease.
Learn a simple method of communicating your needs that leaves you and the other person whole.
Join us to develop a nuanced understanding of boundaries as an art of connection, transforming both personal and professional interactions.​​
NOTE: We also offer this programme through the University of Ottawa. If you would like to apply it as credit towards their Workplace Wellness Certificate, you must enrol directly through the university.